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Rhythm Travels

A travel piece focusing on my love of festivals both in the UK and abroad, and the wealth of options available to festival-goers these days. In this piece I debate the differing prices of tickets for events in the UK and abroad, the weather, the line-ups and various other pros and cons of each.











Click here to read in full.

CultNoise Magazine

A piece I wrote about relationships, taking a closer look at why so many couples seem in a hurry to settle down and take on all the bigger responsibilities in life such as mortgages, marriage and children instead of taking advantage of being free of commitment. Why are so many settling down when they could be in a relationship and take more risks? Why aren't they travelling the world together, starting a business or moving across the country? 


Although only my first piece for the publication, it was the editor's pick and was featured on the front of the website.


Click here to read in full.


An article that takes a look at whether distance learning is a viable option for up-and-coming journalists who cannot afford the full course, or those who perhaps find themselves not quite qualified after finishing a journalism degree. My real experiences shared with those who are looking for journalism advice.










Click here to read in full.

Works published in a variety of publications

Covering everything from journalism and travel, to festivals and relationships.
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